ATU Canada Marcel Malboeuf Scholarship

ATU Local 583 is posting this information on behalf of ATU Canada for the benefit of our members wishing to participate in the below scholarship opportunity…

“The strength of ATU Canada is based on solidarity and respect. We commit ourselves to the goals of worker democracy, social justice, equality and peace. We are dedicated to making the lives of our members and their families safe, secure and healthy. This award honours an individual who exemplifies these traits.

This scholarship is available to the dependents of ATU Canada members in good standing who are entering their first year of post-secondary study at a Canadian higher education institution or university. Two awards, each in the amount $1,000.00 will be awarded in 2021 to eligible applicants with the highest-grade average upon graduation, based on each applicant’s final secondary school transcripts.

Other qualifications:
1) Recipient must be a resident of Canada
2) Recipient must graduate from secondary school in 2021 (or within the past two calendar years if the student has not pursued higher education elsewhere and is entering their first post-secondary degree)
3) Recipient must be enrolled in a post secondary education program in Canada
4) Recipient must be in good academic standing
5) Recipient must demonstrate leadership qualities

Applicants must submit a statement of up to 600 words that address the criteria listed above, fill out the application form (available for download on our website or through the office), and submit a completed official school transcript.

Application packages can be submitted to with the subject line “Malboeuf Scholarship Application” or the completed package can be mailed to ATU Canada, 61 International Boulevard, Suite 210, Toronto Ontario, M9W 6K4.

Applications must be received by August 13, 2021 at midnight to be eligible for consideration.

Submission window: June 14 – August 13, 2021. Awarded September 13, 2021.”

Click link for the ATU Canada Scholarship Application Form to download and print your own copy of the application or call the office at 403-258-1258 Ext 0 to have a copy mailed to you/made ready for pick up.

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