Negotiating Committee Letter

Dear Sisters/Brothers, Due to many inaccurate comments circulating on Social Media your Negotiating Committee feels compelled to comment because we cannot control what is said in that forum. It seems every round of negotiations there is a concerted effort from … Read More

Memorandum of Settlement

Memorandum of Settlement The above link will take you to a PDF of the Memorandum between the City of Calgary and ATU Local 583. The Negotiating Committee is recommending acceptance of the Memorandum of Agreement reached with the City of … Read More

Update on Budget Cuts

We, the Full Time Officers, want to give everyone an update on a couple issues. As you may know, City Council has approved cuts totaling $60,000,000 in this year’s budget, of which Transit has taken a hit of about $9,000,000. … Read More

Keep Calgary Strong

City Council will be making decisions that will affect us on July 22, 2019. After going through a lengthy budget process, which involved hearing presentations from citizens and many organizations, last month after hearing from six members of the business … Read More

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